bouquet Definition På dansk

  • 0 a bunch of flowers -- buket

    • The bride carried a bouquet of roses.

  • 1 the perfume of wine. -- duft; bouquet


Examples of bouquet

  • I have never received so many bouquets from so many unexpected quarters.

  • I hope that he does not mind accepting bouquets, and that they do not embarrass him if they come from these quarters.

  • He appears to be able to hand out bouquets when his colleagues are throwing brick-bats.

  • I thought we had better wait to see whether congratulations were deserved before we started issuing the bouquets.

  • On the other hand, should any bouquets perhaps be wafted in this direction they will be received with due humility and gratitude.

  • He is continually serving out bouquets or insults to this one or that one, just as it pleases his high majesty.

  • Why should we reserve all our bouquets for those who are no longer in need of them?

  • We all know that it is not a subject on which one is likely to receive bouquets from the grateful.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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