bankrupt Definition På dansk

  • 0 unable to pay one’s debts -- konkurs; fallit

    • He has been declared bankrupt.

  • 1 a person who is unable to pay his or her debts -- fallent

    • Bankrupts are not allowed to be company directors.

  • 2 to make bankrupt -- gøre konkurs


Examples of bankrupt

  • A woman was bankrupted by being left £1 million in shipping shares.

  • If that is so, from what classes have the bankrupts mostly come?

  • Evidently the circulation of this popular paper among bankrupts has gone up from 6,000 to 15,000.

  • Is it not desirable that undischarged bankrupts should not frequently change their names, which leads to confusion?

  • They may be bankrupted because of their redundancy bill.

  • The public sector cannot be bankrupted because no strict cash limits have been imposed.

  • If they break the law, are they to be bankrupted?

  • They want to know how they can reduce their capacity quickly without bankrupting themselves or the concerns in which they are involved.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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