anyway Definition På dansk

  • 0 nevertheless; in spite of what has been or might be said, done etc -- alligevel; uanset

    • Anyway, she can’t stop you.

    • My mother says I mustn’t go but I’m going anyway


Examples of anyway

  • Knowing where the lease came from didn't help with their daily routine, but it was enlightening and interesting to that audience anyway.

  • With a text like that, you have to learn the whole text anyway.

  • Anyway, a set is determined by its members and bar-members, as the following axiom states.

  • Anyway, do lawyers involved in personal injury claims really want to read a textbook on somatoform disorders ?

  • Most positive snips had only 1 microfilaria anyway.

  • Anyway, as the elements of the unknown vector are not independent from each other, nonlinear optimisation could be applied to recover more accurate estimations.

  • I don't see why they have an asthma clinic anyway.

  • I know it will come back on me anyway.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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