anachronism Definition På dansk


Examples of anachronism

  • Such readings may serve a useful political purpose, but proceed from essentialist assumptions and are therefore susceptible to accusations of anachronism.

  • Next are the 'faux savants', all wearing gold spectacles; claiming science to be infallible, they chant contemporary scientific words with obvious anachronism.

  • This is an approach which avoids the appalling reductionism perpetrated in the name of psychohistory, but it cannot completely deflect accusations of anachronism.

  • The theme of this article is that computers have changed the world of mathematics forever, in the process making proof an anachronism.

  • The resulting texture created resembles a strange rural-urban blend, a sort of heterophonic tutti which is hard to grasp in its eclectic anachronism.

  • Although something of an anachronism, the typology is still a useful categorisation of the villagers' family support systems.

  • Before taking stock of early modern representations of the female intellect, a word about terminology and its load of anachronism is in order.

  • To discuss "secularization" and "professionalization" of science before the nineteenth century is, by general consensus, to flirt with anachronism.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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