abrasive Definition På dansk

  • 0 tending to make surfaces rough when rubbed on to them -- slibende

  • 1 rude and unkind -- uslebet; ubehagelig

  • 2 something used for scraping or rubbing a surface -- slibemiddel

    • Sandpaper is an abrasive.


Examples of abrasive

  • The intention is to compose a piece which retains an abrasive contour generated from a coarse selection of manipulated and processed sound, shaped by the efficiency of computer editing software.

  • The silica sand acts as a mild abrasive to dislodge spores from surfaces during the vortex-mixing step, without causing reductions in viability.

  • His explanation of how he fulfilled his obligations and was therefore free to take up arms again was circumstantial and abrasive.

  • Following cap placement, a small amount of abrasive gel was inserted into each of the electrode sites and the mastoid sites.

  • Here, phrases built from precipitous eight-note f igures alternate with melodic dyads (displaced as ninths or sevenths) prefacing abrasive chords.

  • There is nothing intrinsically wrong with an abrasive style or a blunt and forthright manner.

  • In addition, to reduce scuffing further, the conical rollers could be manufactured from a less abrasive material such as polyvinyl chloride.

  • All of the machinery was taken apart and cleaned every evening with an abrasive detergent, after which it was rinsed several times.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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