Význam pantomime Česky


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Automatické rozpoznávání

Examples of pantomime

  • However, their literature of public self-enunciation works to distinguish between their pantomimes by branding them variously as populist entertainment or as legitimate theatre.

  • In many pantomimes the final set of rhyming couplets follows the walkdown and completes the frame opened by the immortals at the start.

  • He is adept at communicating, using a mixture of single-word utterances and pantomime.

  • Reaching and grasping gestures towards imagined objects exhibit the distinctive pattern that is observed when subjects are asked to pantomime a reaching and grasping motion.

  • Not until the mid-twentieth century did linguists show that sign languages obey linguistic principles in a way that separates them from mere pantomime and gesture.

  • Indeed, some critics looked upon ballet-pantomime characters' silence with great displeasure, and actually suggested that they speak up.

  • At other times the physical world of the pantomime expands to include the band members in the pit, to whom the performers speak.

  • The production repertoire includes a number of musicals and musical plays, one man/one woman shows and pantomime, performed by both professional and amateur companies.


Překlady pantomime do jiných jazyků

  • 中文繁体

    (英國尤在聖誕節期間演出的)童話劇,嬉鬧劇, (同mime)…

  • 中文简体

    (英国尤在圣诞节期间演出的)童话剧,嬉闹剧, (同mime)…

  • Español

    obra de teatro navideña, revista musical en época de Navidades (Brit), pantomima…

  • Português

    pantomima de Natal…

  • 日本語


  • Türk dili

    geleneksel çocuk hikâyeleri üzerine kurulu Birleşik Krallık'da Noel zamanı gösterilen komik oyun, peri masalı oyunu…

  • Français

    spectacle de Noël, pantomime, mimer…

  • Catalan

    obra de teatre nadalenca…


Dvojjazyčné čtení

Managing Your Emotions

  • What makes me angry?

    co mě zlobí?

  • Mostly,l hate when someone tries to make someone else feel bad.

    Většinou nesnáším, když se někdo snaží někoho jiného přimět, aby se cítil špatně.

  • I have to admit that once, when l was actually called names.

    Musím se přiznat, že jednou, když jsem se jmenoval.

  • l regretted doing this afterwards, but not full heartedly because l think l was provoked in that situation.

    Litoval jsem toho, že jsem to potom udělal, ale ne z celého srdce, protože si myslím, že mě to vyprovokovalo ta situace.

  • The most postive way of dealing with anger is talking about the problem.

    Nejpozitivnější způsob, jak se vypořádat s hněvem, je mluvit o problému.

  • l talk to someone who listens, or l'll write my thoughts down on paper.

    Promluvím si s někým, kdo naslouchá, nebo napíšu své myšlenky na papír.

  • Learning how to deal with anger as you're growing up is so important.

    Naučit se, jak zacházet s hněvem, když vyrůstáte, je tak důležité.

  • When you're younger, you might yell,or cry when you're angry, but as you get older, you're expected to handle your emotions much better.

    Když jste mladší, můžete křičet nebo plakat, když jste naštvaní, ale jak stárnete, očekává se, že vaše emoce zvládne mnohem lépe.

  • Learning to control your emotion now will prevent you from doing something that you'll regret later on in life!

    Když se teď naučíte ovládat své emoce, zabrání vám to udělat něco, co uděláte litovat později v životě!



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