Význam pit Česky

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pit Definice a význam

  • 0 a large hole in the ground -- jáma

  • 1 a place from which minerals are dug, especially a coal-mine -- důl, šachta

    • a chalk-pit

    • He works at/down the pit.

  • 2 a place beside a motor race track for repairing and refuelling racing cars -- depo, box

    • The leading car has gone into the pit(s).

  • 3 (with against) to set (a person or thing) against another in a fight, competition etc -- postavit (proti)

    • He was pitted against a much stronger man.

  • 4 the hard stone of a peach, cherry etc. -- pecka


Denní věta

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Můžeme to dokončit krok za krokem, ať je cesta jakkoli dlouhá, a nelze ji dokončit, ať je cesta jakkoli krátká, pokud si ani neoznačíte svou stopu.

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May 10, 2021

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