stereoscopic Definition In Czech

  • 0 (of films, pictures etc) filmed, shown etc by an apparatus taking or showing two photographs at different angles, so that a three-dimensional image is produced. -- stereoskopický


Examples of stereoscopic

  • As shown by stereoscopic and histologic observations, this variation relies on the degree of the fusion of the ventral commissure.

  • The personal polemics had completely disappeared from the passages on the stereoscope and stereoscopic vision.

  • The mental fusing of the two slightly different views weaves an expanded stereoscopic veil.

  • All viscera were systematically checked under stereoscopic microscope and all helminths found were removed and preserved with fixative agents.

  • The eyes were enucleated and their equatorial and axial diameters measured with a stereoscopic dissecting microscope using a vernier caliper.

  • This is consistent with the neurophysiological findings indicating binocular and stereoscopic sensitivity in the parietal cortex.

  • The view is unintentionally censored, deprived of its potential impact, and would be better communicated by a stereoscopic image.

  • Unfortunately, the coordinates of this structure are no longer available, and this parallel-eye stereoscopic view is taken from the original publication with permission.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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