scrape Definition In Czech

  • 0 to rub against something sharp or rough, usually causing damage -- odřít

  • 1 to clean, clear or remove by rubbing with something sharp -- oškrabat

  • 2 to make a harsh noise by rubbing -- škrábat (si)

    • Stop scraping your feet!

  • 3 to move along something while just touching it -- třít se

    • The boat scraped against the landing-stage.

  • 4 to make by scraping -- vyhrabat

  • 5 an act or sound of scraping -- škrábání, skřípání

    • I heard the scrape of his chair as he got up.


Examples of scrape

  • We must not be satisfied with just scraping through.

  • We are left with this further scraping of the barrel in the way in which the case was presented yesterday.

  • The pickle, the one who gets most often into scrapes and rows.

  • He scrapes the barrel to find some nourishment for us.

  • How many officers have they scraped in since 15 months ago?

  • She made the butter very soft, she spread it on, and then she scraped it off.

  • I have seen them in worse scrapes and get out, so they should not despair.

  • Two petty officers and 10 ratings for 27 weeks, employed chipping, scraping and painting.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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