processor Definition In Czech

  • 0 a machine or person that processes things -- (kuchyňský) robot

  • 1 a company that treats something in order to make it ready to use -- zpracovatel

  • 2 a part of a computer that controls all the other parts; central processing unit -- procesor

    • The processor receives commands and handles them.


Examples of processor

  • Since this is not a desirable behaviour, we will enhance our simple processor with a waiting queue for tasks.

  • So, the graphics will show how efficiently the algorithm scales with the number of processors.

  • We have obtained a relative speedup of 25 with 30 processors.

  • It has to be stored elsewhere, a place where language processor does not normally go to in natural language communication.

  • In order to implement 64 filters on 16 processors, optimisation of the available processing power was required.

  • As one can see, a processor 'specialises' in one evolutionary operation only.

  • In this case, if processes were assigned to processors in a completely random fashion, we would not expect to do too badly.

  • Instruments in this model may be computer systems, electronic synthesizers and signal processors, in addition to acoustic and electroacoustic instruments.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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