peep Definition In Czech

  • 0 to look through a narrow opening or from behind something -- vykouknout

    • She peeped through the window.

  • 1 to look quickly and in secret -- juknout

    • He peeped at the answers at the back of the book.

  • 2 a quick look (usually in secret) -- kradmý pohled

  • 3 to make a high pitched sound -- pípat

    • The car horns were peeping.

  • 4 such a sound -- pípání


Examples of peep

  • I was going to say that timidity comes peeping out at the very end of this document.

  • His integrity, however, kept peeping through as he went through his speech.

  • I have peeped into their policy review to see what they say.

  • At times there has peeped through these debates the doctrine of the equality of misery; that if one has to suffer, we must all suffer.

  • We have only peeped under the cover of a brand-new world which could provide many solutions to human and environmental problems.

  • They peeped into the kitchen and were appalled by the lack of hygiene.

  • Here's a little peep through one or two of the keyholes.

  • In bonobos, peep sequences are among the most important vocalizations, and croaks, muffled barks, and panting laughs are used mainly by young individuals.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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