orphanage Definition In Czech

  • 0 a home for orphans. -- sirotčinec


Examples of orphanage

  • At the orphanage the wet-nurse was provided with food, lodging and a small wage.

  • Another solution was to work as a wet-nurse, in a private family or at the orphanage, as long as their child was an infant.

  • Findings have recently emerged from the study of children in orphanages which shed light on the impact of early deprivation in infants.

  • Prior to admission, all children were given a cowpox vaccination to prevent smallpox and the orphanages employed a doctor who provided the necessary medical care.

  • There is thus no clear evidence that the orphanages had to apply stricter admission rules.

  • There was not a particular area of development in which orphanage children were specifically compromised; rather, delay was pervasive across all areas.

  • Wet-nurses working in private families were presumed to enjoy better conditions than those working at the orphanage.

  • The orphanage employed only one director and one nurse to look after newly found orphans and abandoned children.




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