mutiny Definition In Czech

  • 0 (a) refusal to obey one’s senior officers in the navy or other armed services -- vzpoura

    • The sailors were found guilty of mutiny.

    • There has been a mutiny on HMS Tigress

  • 1 (of sailors etc) to refuse to obey commands from those in authority -- vzbouřit se

    • The sailors mutinied because they did not have enough food.


Examples of mutiny

  • The delegates on the statutes working group rebelled against those defending ' the president's line ' and mutinied against the president and the secretary of the working group.

  • In secure accommodation for children, there were no cases of protest movements, mutinies, rebellions or hunger strikes.

  • There are ten cases of mutiny in the sample, but in this matter as in the others observed so far, it appears that the court gave sailors a fair hearing.

  • As for common soldiers, expectations were not high, and their habits - on both sides - of flight, desertion, re-enlistment with the enemy, mutiny, and predatory disorder were notorious.

  • The monks mutiny; they reject the father.

  • Under such circumstances, it is not surprising to find luckless gendarmes complaining to authorities, abandoning their posts, and even speaking of mutiny.

  • While the legislation proposed that cowardice be removed from the category of capital offences, desertion was to remain alongside mutiny and treachery.

  • Then there was a 'mutiny,' as all the carriers wanted to return from whence they had come.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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