metaphysical Definition In Czech

  • 0 relating to metaphysics -- metafyzický

    • a metaphysical discussion/issue.


Examples of metaphysical

  • For him, in symbolism as in metaphysical poetry, "the personal or human reality and the imaginative or divine reality must be perfectly interfused" (105).

  • Rather than illuminating a deeply entrenched metaphysical voice, she focuses on musical enactments of the body's motions.

  • People commonly regard monism as a doctrine in which parts are merged into and subservient before the whole - a kind of metaphysical totalitarianism.

  • However, since it cannot make any metaphysical promises to its adherents, one would expect that not everybody is "born" to live it.

  • Physical science in the modern sense is more or less absent, but metaphysical essays touching upon the subject were entirely typical.

  • Some people, though not sophisticated philosophers nowadays, would be tempted by rule talk to make metaphysical mistakes.

  • As visual metaphors, they embody and represent concrete as well as traditional metaphysical concepts.

  • Three notions of possibility which are of particular importance here are metaphysical, conceptual, and epistemic possibility.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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