maize Definition In Czech


Examples of maize

  • The experimental treatments comprised all combinations of the maize and peas cultivars and their respective sole crops, giving eight treatments.

  • The lowest maize yield harvested in 1996/97 under sole maize was attributed to leaching and water logging due to excessive rainfall and lodging.

  • However, it was not financially attractive for smallholder farmers to intercrop compared with growing low input sole crop maize.

  • Another explanation could be the lack in maize of specific signal sequences for the transport to phloem sap.

  • These conditions are met in cross-pollinated crops such as maize.

  • Reasons for abandoning the trial included sickness of the farmer and the desire to grow crops other than maize at the experimental site.

  • Households reduced the production of other crops, with the largest reductions in sorghum and maize production.

  • These include commercial maize production, horticulture, tree crops, dairy, and cattle ranching.




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May 10, 2021

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