lesser Definition In Czech

  • 0 smaller or not as important -- menší

    • the lesser of two evils.

  • 1 less -- méně

    • the lesser-known areas of London.


Examples of lesser

  • When we act paternalistically towards someone we imply that he is inferior to us by virtue of his lesser capacity to look after himself.

  • Only heaven and the sun would remain, the latter appearing as the lesser of the two works which would endure.

  • On the contrary they are a natural feature of the human condition, present in everyone to a greater or lesser degree.

  • To a lesser extent material was supplied from the south.

  • Clearly, as with the existing" subjective" and" departmental" analyses so the clinical analysis of expenditure may be provided in greater or lesser degrees of details.

  • Less successful proctors, petition-drawers and to a lesser extent court officials were dependent for their livelihoods on establishing a reputation for effectiveness.

  • One is simply moved in one direction or the other in greater or lesser awareness.

  • We have assumed that all objective functions are" desirable" in that we prefer greater to lesser objective function values.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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