fantasy Definition In Czech


Examples of fantasy

  • We believe that one reason for this difficulty is that fantasy is a background mental state which has to compete with foreground input-output processing.

  • No matter what the vantage point, the opera can be seen as igniting and sustaining a racial fantasy that entranced playwright, composer and operagoers alike.

  • Imagining the life-span : from premodern miracles to postmodern fantasies.

  • Perhaps it was a fantasy of the time, but it was also characteristic of other nations' interactions.

  • Far from reality, no physicist can do what is done in this movement; it becomes fantasy when the composer modifies nature's universal laws and constants.

  • This chapter explores the flipside of the symbolist fantasy that voices might float free from bodies.

  • Modelling childhood causes of paranormal belief and experience : childhood trauma and childhood fantasy.

  • This vision is not just an outrageous fantasy, in which anxieties about performers' real power have given rise to unpleasant falsifications.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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