
Това са думите examples, свързани с apex. Щракнете върху която и да е дума, за да отидете на страницата с подробности за думата. Или, отидете на дефиницията на apex.

Примери за apex

  • Even the patient should understand if told the heart is in the right side of the chest with the apex pointing to the right!

  • On each twig the second or third fully expanded leaf (numbered from apex to base) was selected.

  • The apex can be directed to the right, to the left, or to the middle.

  • An apex cardiogram suggested that enddiastolic pressure was not markedly elevated.

  • Visual leaf counts were conducted by weekly examination of the eighth main stem leaf from the plant apex.

  • Primary education's share of total federal government spending on education reached its apex just before the 1986 elections for the constituent assembly.

  • Normal mental imagery is not hallucinatory and is highly constrained by dorsolateral prefrontal structures (among other things) which are deactivated during most apex dreaming.

  • The leading edge of the plate was machined to a wedge angle of 30", rounded off a t the apex.

  • The continuities can be striking, most notably at the apex of power.

  • Since most of the leaves of all species were at the apex of the stem, this did not involve burying any leaves.

  • Distinctive thicker dark bands of greater electron density also occurred, but were distinguishable only at the apex of longitudinally sectioned spines (fig. 4).

  • Overhead is the old composite timber and steel truss roof, its apex bearing a continuous run of automatically opening greenhouse lights.

  • The apices could be seen as belonging to the same (middle) object, or to two different (flanking) objects.

  • Newly opened flowers were taken from the apices of the plant and young leaves were removed from the first group below the inflorescence.

  • One major finding of this study is that flowers situated near the apex of the inflorescence set more and larger seeds than basal flowers.

Значение на apex

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