wait التعريف باللغة العربية

  • 0 to stay in a place until someone or something arrives -- يَنْتَظِر

    • How long did you wait for a taxi?

    • I’m waiting for Harry.

  • 1 used to say how excited you are about something that you are going to do -- في لَهْفة إلى

    • I can’t wait to see him.

  • 2 said in order to interrupt someone, or to get their attention, or when you have suddenly thought of something important -- انتَظِر لَحظَة، دَقيقة، إلخ

  • 3 to be late so that someone has to wait for you -- يَجعَل شَخصا ما يَنتَظِر

  • 4 the act of staying in a place until someone or something arrives or someone or something is ready for you -- اِنْتِظار


كلمات جديدة


May 10, 2021

قراءة المزيد

كلمة اليوم


May 10, 2021

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