let التعريف باللغة العربية

  • 0 to allow someone to do something or have something -- يَدَع

    • I let her have some money.

    • She let me use her camera.

  • 1 something that you say to ask someone if they want to do something with you -- دَعْنا

  • 2 to allow someone or something to move to a particular place -- يَجعَل شَخصا/شَيئا يَدخُل، يَمُرّ، يَعبُر، إلخ

    • They won’t let us past the gate.

  • 3 to stop holding something -- يَتْرُك

    • I let go of the rope.

  • 4 If you let a building, you allow someone to live there and he or she gives you money. -- يُؤَجِّر


كلمات جديدة


May 10, 2021

قراءة المزيد

كلمة اليوم


May 10, 2021

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