friend التعريف باللغة العربية

  • 0 someone that you know well and like -- صَديق

    • Sarah is my best friend (= the friend I like most).

  • 1 a person you write to on an internet site -- صَديق

    • I’ve just added Adam as a friend on Facebook.

  • 2 to begin to know and like someone -- يُصادِق شَخصاً ما

  • 3 to know and like someone -- تَكون صَديقا مَع

    • I’ve been friends with Lynne for years.

  • 4 to connect with someone on a social website so that you can share information, pictures, etc. -- يُصادِق


كلمات جديدة


May 10, 2021

قراءة المزيد

كلمة اليوم


May 10, 2021

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