exactly التعريف باللغة العربية

  • 0 used when you are giving or asking for information that is completely correct -- تَماماً / بِالضَّبْط

    • The train got in at exactly ten o’clock.

    • What exactly is the problem?

  • 1 used to make stronger what you are saying -- بِالضَّبْط (تُقال لِلتَّأكيد عَلى الشَّيء)

  • 2 something you say when you agree completely with someone -- بِالضَّبْط (تُقال عِنْد الموافَقَة عَلى الشَّيء)

    • ‘Surely they should have told us about this problem sooner?’ ‘Exactly.’

  • 3 used to say that something is not completely true -- لَيس بِالضَبط

    • ‘Did you give her your book?’ ‘Not exactly – I lent it to her.’


كلمات جديدة


May 10, 2021

قراءة المزيد

كلمة اليوم


May 10, 2021

حول هذا