break التعريف باللغة العربية

  • 0 to separate into two or more pieces, or to make something separate into two or more pieces -- يَكْسِر

    • They had to break a window to get in.

  • 1 to damage a bone in your body -- يَكْسِر (العَظْم)

  • 2 to stop working or to make something stop working -- يُعَطِّل / يُخَرِّب

    • Who broke the TV?

  • 3 to stop an activity and have a short rest -- يَسْتَريح

  • 4 to not do something that you should do -- يُخالِف

  • 5 to come to an end or make something come to an end -- يَكسَر


كلمات جديدة


May 10, 2021

قراءة المزيد

كلمة اليوم


May 10, 2021

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