1 a person who dishonestly pretends to have medical skills or knowledge
4 a person who falsely pretends to have medical skills or knowledge
Consequently, the idea of distinguishing between legitimate and quack practitioners, although still germane, is not likely to gather much force.
Itinerant quacks or charlatans abounded - and these were far from being automatically mere ignorant hucksters or snake-charming tricksters.
How is their care integrated with care by others (quacks, traditional healers, sub-specialists)?
If it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck, and smells like a duck, well, you know.
Physicians should let their patients know when they think that a web page is providing misinformation or quack advice.
By emphasising the goal of a longer ' health span', mainstream scientists seek to distance themselves from ' quacks and loonies'.
The cosmetic charlatans can readily be excluded from mainstream science as ' quacks', but less easily excluded are those who draw on science to develop or supply cosmetics, particularly cosmetic surgeons.
Many of the ancient quack remedies were stuffed with lead components that had a disastrous corrosive effect.
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