0 to make beer
[ + two objects ] He brewed us some coffee./He brewed some coffee for us.
1 If an unpleasant situation or a storm is brewing, you feel that it is about to happen:
2 a type of beer, especially one made in a particular place or at a particular time
Make us a brew, Bren.
3 a mixture of several things:
War, with its fear, its deprivation, its excitement and violence makes for a very heady brew (= powerful combination).
4 (of tea or coffee) to become stronger in taste in the container in which it is made, or to make a hot drink or beer:
5 beer or another drink made by brewing
The issue is : how long has ' ' your' ' tea been brewing ?
However, there are sometimes finds of illicitly brewed alcohol at establishments with higher security.
I take an authorised output of 100 barrels standard gravity brewed by each of four brewers.
The total number of bulk barrels brewed in 1913 was 37,499,500, and in 1917 21,336,600.
Governor of an island where a political issue of the first magnitude was quite clearly brewing up.
I have been brewing my own beer for a considerable number of years.
They cover everything from the size of lorries, the harmonisation of education, and company law to the way that beer is to be brewed.
As a matter of fact, for two years it was almost impossible to get drunk on the beer that was brewed.
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